Holding Absence

YONAKA english class

yOnAkA: WoRmHoLes

The 3 purple links below serve as wormholes. They'll take you straight into the pages of the texts you're studying at school. Use YONAKA's ideas to develop your understanding of 'A Streetcar Named Desire', light imagery and gender inequality! As ... Read More...
Holding Absence Literature A-Level GCSE

HoLdiNg AbSeNcE: WoRmHoLeS

The purple links in this article serve as wormholes. Click on them and you'll find yourself walking through the pages of Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture Of Dorian Gray'. From there, you can tunnel into whichever text you're interested in exploring furthe... Read More...
Holding Absence A-Level GCSE

HoLdiNg AbSeNcE: LoVe

It's pretty hard to find a text which doesn't explore ideas about love in some way or other! Where - in the texts you're studying - can you recognise the character(s) really struggling with wanting love but also not wanting it at all? Try to iden... Read More...
Holding Absence A-Level GCSE

HoLdiNg AbSeNcE: dUaLiTy

You might have discussed duality once or twice (or a thousand times) in class!! In which texts, can you spot both the quieter and louder sides of a person's... Read More...
Holding Absence A-Level GCSE

HoLdiNg AbSeNcE: OpeNiNgS

We love that Lucas so clearly wants his music to take us on a journey. And maybe you won't even realise how significant Holding Absence's starting point is until you understand it in context of where the record ends up... So, consider each of you... Read More...
Holding Absence A-Level GCSE

HoLdiNg AbSeNcE: FoRm

So we've heard a bit about why the rock song structure fitted Holding Absence’s needs PERFECTLY. Now, it's time to think about how Lucas Woodland's ideas serve... Read More...
Sound of Pen 75 Best Songs Of 2019

SoUnD oF pEn’s 75 bESt SonGS oF 2019

We've already charted our top 20 albums/EPs of 2019, but here are our favourite individual songs. Each track stood on its own two feet as a one-off TUUUUNE x Read through our life-changing list below, then have a listen. 75: Like Torches, The ... Read More...