Finding the words to describe that feeling our favourite music gives us is never easy. And so we repeat ourselves in the hope that someone will get what we’re trying to say! Or we use metaphors because sometimes saying what something is not actually makes more sense than saying what it is!
Further info re: the skills work can be found at bottom of this page.
YONAKA: Call Me A Saint
Trapped underneath your duvet? Put YONAKA on the record player. A hundred obstacles blocking your escape route from the pit of doom? Put YONAKA on the record player. Can’t quite find the person you know you really are? PUT YONAKA ON THE RECORD PLAYER! ‘Call Me A Saint’ is the kind of record that makes EVERYTHING feel possible.
Olivia Rodrigo: good 4 u
That feeling of falling in love and promptly falling off a cliff? Ugh. That feeling of having your heart torn into pieces? Ugh. That feeling of watching your hopes and dreams burn to the ground? Ugh. But a song about ALL of those things by the brilliant Olivia Rodrigo? Not ugh at all actually.
Point North: Nice Now
If you’ve climbed a mountain, even though no one thought you could – here’s your ANTHEM. If you’ve made it through the day, even though no one thought you would – here’s your ANTHEM. If you’ve risked something good in order to achieve something better, even though no one thought you should – here’s your ANTHEM. Enjoy!
We would love you to write your own review of a song that you’re going crazy for RIGHT NOW. Aim to show evidence that you’ve concentrated on using the relevant core skills: metaphors and repetition.
Skill 1: Metaphors
Each review makes use of metaphors. Without them, we would have struggled to explain quite how INTENSELY we felt about the songs in question. Include at least one metaphor in your own review.
Skill 2: Repetition
We repeated some key words and phrases in each review in order to add emphasis, impact and character. What ideas are worth repeating in your own review? What do you really want people to think about? Include at least one example of repetition in your review.
Skill 3: be concise
If you can find a way of squishing a zillion feelings and thoughts into one short review, you’ll certainly do a better job of writing essays within the limited time available to you in exams. Aim, then, to make your piece of writing 100 words or less.
Consider the ideas that we’ve explored within each review. Which of your course characters do each of these ideas feel relevant to?
We will publish the best work! Send your reviews here.
Finetune your use of similes here and your use of verbs as sentence starters here.
Or maybe you’re struggling to learn to key quotations? We will help you here!