If you’re looking to develop your vocabulary, you’re in the right place. This class works brilliantly all on its own, but you might also want to think of it as the seventh part in our poetry writing series. If so, you should have a look at part 1 with Aviciipart 2 with Against The Currentpart 3 with Machine Gun Kellypart 4 with Tate McRaepart 5 with Architects and part 6 with Charli XCX.

Some words feel so good in your mouth. Some make you feel super smart. Some just say exactly what you want to say. Have a look at some of the words that a few of our favourite artists have used in 2022…


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! A boy who’s been drenched in toxic waste and now finds himself transforming into a giant bug; a girl who’s transformed from a shy student into a fearless warrior; whatever you want!

Masked Wolf & Bring Me The Horizon: ‘Fallout

"the metamorphosis gon' get you"

metamorphosis: the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages OR a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one.

Example: ‘It’s as if Romeo undergoes some kind of metamorphosis when Mercutio dies.”


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The student who found brief fame as a YouTube star; a kid who ate too much of his favourite ice cream; whatever you want!

Machine Gun Kelly: ‘mainstream sellout ‘

"you're so ephemeral"

ephemeral: lasting for a very short time.

Example: ‘As a greaser, Ponyboy’s feelings of hopefulness were ephemeral.’


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The teacher whose lessons are so hard to follow because they jump all over the place; the TV show that drives you mad because it repeats the same predictable plot line every week; whatever you want!

Rob Lynch: ‘forevergreen’

"Nothing’s that linear for me"

linear: a linear process is one in which something changes or progresses straight from one stage to another, and has a clear starting point and ending point.

Example: ‘Hinton’s linear narrative made it easy to get caught up in ‘The Outsiders'”


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The fight between two students that started whole school warfare; the kind word that impacted so positively on a teenager’s previously bad mood; whatever you want!

Nova Twins: Antagonist

"I'm the catalyst."

catalyst:  an event or person that causes great change.

Example: ‘In ‘Boys Don’t Cry’, the news that he’s a father acts as the catalyst for Dante’s new-found maturity.”

Caution: Edgy Content


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The students faced with a teacher who would constantly talk to them as if they were stupid; whatever you want!


"'Pontificating hypocrite' is what you said."

pontificate: to speak or write and give your opinion about something as if you knew everything about it and as if only your opinion was correct.

Example: ‘The younger characters became frustrated by their pontificating parents.’

Caution: Edgy Content


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The woman who laughed when she ran over her neighbour’s dog; the violent young individual whose actions were all captured on CCTV; whatever you want!

Cassyette: Dead Roses

"Sociopathic tendencies, Are you just sad and selfish?"

sociopath: a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Example: ‘The sociopathic Dally was a victim of a society that forced him to be the way he was.’


Look at the word in green (just below). Try writing your own sentence making use of that word. You can write about anything! The girl who was willing to sit in detention because she absolutely did not believe in homework; the boy who wouldn’t change his belief just because the bullies picked on him; whatever you want!

Hot Milk: Teenage Runaways

"Maybe I'll be my own martyr."

martyr: someone who is killed because of their beliefs.

Example: ‘Romeo and Juliet were martyrs, dying on the altar of love.’

Caution: Edgy Content


In class, we’ve been writing poems that revolve around a message we want to give a family member or friend. Or we’ve been writing a poem about an important message or piece of advice that a family member or friend has shared with us! We took inspiration for our poem from Avicii.

Now that you’ve had a go at using the 7 words explored above, try incorporating one or two of them into your own redrafted version of this poem – or maybe you want to write a brand new poem about something else entirely. Either way, consider your vocab choices closely. If none of the words explored today fit your poem, pick up a thesaurus and find the word that feels good in your mouth, that makes you feel super smart, that says exactly what you want to say…

Once you’re done, you can send your ideas (or questions) in. We want to publish the most exciting writing and offer advice.

Or have a go at writing about your experiences as a teenager with a little help from the inspirational Taylor Swift!