Here’s a selection, not just of our favourite songs of the year, but of our favourite similes and metaphors EVER!

If you’re looking to finetune your creative imagery, you’re in the right place. This class works brilliantly all on its own, but you might also want to think of it as the fourth part in our poetry writing series. If so, you should have a look at part 1 with Avicii, part 2 with Against The Current and part 3 with Machine Gun Kelly.

Right, let’s get started on the similes and metaphors…


Analyse Years & Years’ use of metaphor (in orange below).What is the poet, Olly Alexander, suggesting about his relationship by comparing it to a game of hide and seek? Think about how you might feel when playing games, but also about the fact that he’s commenting on an adult relationship. You might also want to consider the expected outcome of a game of hide and seek. How is that expected outcome relevant to the poet’s expectations of the relationship he’s singing about? Also, consider the use of the adverb ‘forever’ – how does that further help us understand the poet’s feelings, or the point he might be trying to make? Bulletpoint or spiderdiagram your ideas.

Years & Years: ‘Sooner Or Later

“We’re forever playing hide and seek.”


Now, analyse Tate McRae’s simile (in orange below). If the speaker has been going through hell, what does that suggest about her experience? Or about the world in 2022? What do we know about hell? Why would someone normally be in hell? Do you think the person who told the speaker that she looks like she’s been going through hell is being sympathetic? Bulletpoint or spiderdiagram your ideas.

Tate McRae: ‘chaotic

“You said it looks like I’ve been going through hell,”

Mildly edgy language.


Now, analyse ElyOtto’s simile (in orange below). Think as carefully about it as you have about the previous similes/metaphors. Bulletpoint or spiderdiagram your ideas.

Elyotto: ‘dayzee

“Pretty like a Barbie.”

Stop after 40 seconds to avoid edgier material.


Now, analyse the metaphor below (in orange). Think as carefully about it as you have about the previous similes/metaphors. You might want to consider the quote in relation to the speaker’s mental health. Maybe also the fact that the swimming pool is a human construct. Bulletpoint or spiderdiagram your ideas.

Sigrid and Bring Me The Horizon: ‘Bad Life

“Head above water in a swimming pool of sharks.”


Now, analyse the metaphor below (in orange). Think as carefully about it as you have about the previous similes/metaphors. You might want to consider the purpose of barbed wire and why a person might want to construct their body out of it. Bulletpoint or spiderdiagram your ideas.

Movements: ‘Barbed Wire Body’

“You’ve got a barbed wire body.”


Finally, work on constructing some similes and metaphors that help you to express your feelings. You could definitely try making use of any of the images explored above: hide and seek; hell; barbie; swimming pool of sharks; barbed wire – make them your own! Or come up with something completely fresh.

In class, we’ve been writing poems that revolve around a message we want to give a family member or friend. Or we’ve been writing a poem about an important message or piece of advice that a family member or friend has shared with us! We took inspiration for our poem from Avicii. Either add your simile/metaphor ideas into a redrafted version of this poem – or start something new.

Once you’re done, you can send your ideas (or questions) in. We want to publish the most exciting writing and offer advice.

Or have a go at writing about your experiences as a teenager with a little help from the inspirational Taylor Swift!