Writing persuasively is easier when you’re passionate about your subject matter!! Pick a topic and tell us why it’s so important!!!
Read the article below and highlight all the details that make it an effective piece of writing.
Scroll to the bottom of this for my ideas.
And have a listen to this playlist whilst you work!
If We Don’t Dance Now, Then When?
Only when you start dancing do you realise how locked into place you are during most of each day. How lovely it must be to be Tate McRae or Dua Lipa! Those artists most likely spend half of their time throwing shapes. How fab. That sensation of putting an arm where it doesn’t normally go or randomly kicking out a foot – it’s surprisingly thrilling. And that feeling of escaping a prison of our own making? Wow!
I mean, sitting down is fine, standing is fine, walking is fine – but dancing is like a full-on celebration of your body. Squashing your whole self behind a desk? That’s the equivalent of keeping your labrador in a hot car. And you would not do that! Spending so many minutes simply standing up? That’s like forcing a bird to perch on one branch for the entirety of its feathery existence. And you would not do that! Limiting yourself to a sensible strolling pace? That’s the the same as telling your child they can only look at the playground. And you would not do that!
Maybe you’re thinking that you can’t dance. Well, that’s just not true. If I can do it, you can too. About twenty years ago, I got hit by a mororbike. But even in my hospital bed, I was able to thrust my arms into the air and wave my hands about. And when I got on those crutches, you should have seen me. I went to watch My Chemical Romance at Camden’s Underworld, and, oh, how I danced. I couldn’t quite work out how to do anything other than go around in circles. But I was dancing! And it felt good!
It was more than a decade before I could fully use two feet again. And yet, during that time, I still made it into the pit at Slipknot’s first Download headlining set, to the front at various Prodigy performances and within reaching distance of Jared Leto when Thirty Seconds To Mars played at Main Square Festival. Of course, there have been moments when I’ve worried too much about spilling the drink in my hand or looking foolish. But then I remember that the greatest rush comes not from alcohol but from being fully immersed in the music – and that no one is going to be watching me when their favourite singer is on stage!
The first show I went to after getting myself fully mobile again was Britney Spears at the O2. Never in the history of humankind has anyone danced so hard. Did I look ridiculous? Probably. Did I care? Not at all. Society may have decided that grown-up men are not allowed to bounce around in the front row at a Britney concert, but I absolutely will not accept a world in which rules like that exist.
And – with artists like Barry Can’t Swim, Jamie xx and Charli XCX all making music that’s so delectably danceable – nor should you.
Because if we don’t dance now, then when?
Look at the series of persuasive writing tasks set by AQA below (in orange). Then try using a version of the opening line from the article above to suit each of the different topics! Just copy and complete the lines in green.
June 2017: ‘Parents today are over-protective. They should let their children take part in adventurous, even risky, activities to prepare them for later life.’ Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you argue for or against this statement. (24 marks for content and organisation 16 marks for technical accuracy) [40 marks]
Only when you start giving children their freedom do you realise…
Nov 2017: ‘Education is not just about which school you go to, or what qualifications you gain; it is also about what you learn from your experiences outside of school.’ Write a speech for your school or college Leavers’ Day to explain what you think makes a good education.
Only when you start thinking about what’s really important in life do you realise…
June 2018: ‘All sport should be fun, fair and open to everyone. These days, sport seems to be more about money, corruption and winning at any cost.’ Write an article for a newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement.
Only when you start thinking about how obsessed sports teams have become with winning do you realise…
Nov 2018: ‘Cars are noisy, dirty, smelly and downright dangerous. They should be banned from all town and city centres, allowing people to walk and cycle in peace.’ Write a letter to the Minister for Transport arguing your point of view on this statement.
Only when you start taking proper note how may vehicles are on the road do you realise…
2019: ‘It is people who have extraordinary skill, courage and determination who deserve to be famous, not those who have good looks or lots of money or behave badly.’ Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in which you argue your point of view in response to this statement.
Only when you start contemplating how many peope are famous for things that really are not important do you realise…
2020: ‘People have become obsessed with travelling ever further and faster. However, travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!’ Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this statement.
Only when you start understanding how many wonderful travel is, do you realise…
Pick a topic and write your own persuasive piece. You may want to borrow some of the ideas used in the article above (you’ll find some of the key details/techniques highlighted below).
If We Don’t Dance Now, Then When?
Only when you start dancing, do you realise how locked into place you are during most of each day. How lovely it must be to be Tate McRae or Dua Lipa! Those artists most likely spend half of their time throwing shapes. How fab. That sensation of putting an arm where it doesn’t normally go or randomly kicking out a foot – it’s surprisingly thrilling. And that feeling of escaping a prison of our own making? Wow!
I mean, sitting down is fine, standing is fine, walking is fine – but dancing is like a full-on celebration of your body. Squashing your whole self behind a desk? That’s the equivalent of keeping your labrador in a hot car. And you would not do that! Spending so many minutes simply standing up? That’s like forcing a bird to perch on one branch for the entirety of its feathery existence. And you would not do that! Limiting yourself to a sensible strolling pace? That’s the the same as telling your child they can only look at the playground. And you would not do that!
Maybe you’re thinking that you can’t dance. Well, that’s just not true. If I can do it, you can too. About twenty years ago, I got hit by a mororbike. But even in my hospital bed, I was able to thrust my arms into the air and wave my hands about. And when I got on those crutches, you should have seen me. I went to watch My Chemical Romance at Camden’s Underworld, and, oh, how I danced. I couldn’t quite work out how to do anything other than go around in circles. But I was dancing! And it felt good!
It was more than a decade before I could fully use two feet again. And yet, during that time, I still made it into the pit at Slipknot’s first Download headlining set, to the front at various Prodigy performances and within reaching distance of Jared Leto when Thirty Seconds To Mars played at Main Square Festival. Of course, there have been moments when I’ve worried too much about spilling the drink in my hand or looking foolish. But then I remember that the greatest rush comes not from alcohol but from being fully immersed in the music – and that no one is going to be watching me when their favourite singer is on stage!
The first show I went to after getting myself fully mobile again was Britney Spears at the O2. Never in the history of humankind has anyone danced so hard. Did I look ridiculous? Probably. Did I care? Not at all. Society may have decided that grown-up men are not allowed to bounce around in the front row at a Britney concert, but I absolutely will not accept a world in which rules like that exist.
And – with artists like Barry Can’t Swim, Jamie xx and Charli XCX all making music that’s so delectably danceable – nor should you.
Because if we don’t dance now, then when?