When you’re asked to explore the ‘significance’ of something, what are you being asked to think about? This is a chance to figure that out. With a little help from YUNGBLUD!

When I ran this session ‘live’, I recorded the audio. There’s a snippet below of me talking to the students – and it serves as a kind of intro to this session. It was the first class of the season and, as always, I was very keen for everyone to recognise how the music we love really can serve as a doorway to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the English texts we’re studying.

Music: ‘Your Hand In Mine’ by Explosions In The Sky

Honestly, this session could be titled the significance of music. We all listen to it – and, at some point, a song WILL change our lives in some way. Music reveals us, shapes us and inspires us.

But sorting through the enormous amount of evidence that could serve as support for that truth would take longer than what we allow for one singular class, that’s for sure.

So, let’s narrow it down.

Let’s take a more microcosmic* angle.

For today, let’s zoom in on the significance of one particular artist.

Dominic Harrison.



*Something that’s microcosmic reflects in miniature a larger object or idea.


Explore the significance of YUNGBLUD.

YUNGBLUD’s first Brixton Academy gig was monumental. The noise of the crowd was indescribable. Watch the beginning (or more!) of the show and make a note of the ways in which you think YUNGBLUD and his music are significant.

What do you think?

Some ideas below the next picture. Don’t look until you’ve had a chance to note down your own ideas.


Here are three of my ideas…

YUNGBLUD is significant because…

  • He creates the opportunity for community.
  • His music brings joy to people.
  • He makes people feel important – he gives them greater self-belief.

Essentially, then, YUNGBLUD is significant because he impacts on the way we ACT, the way we’re FEELING and the way we THINK.

So, if we’re structuring an essay:

  • Paragraph 1: YUNGBLUD is significant because he acts as a catalyst for people acting in a certain way – he has a significant impact on what they actually do.
  • Paragraph 2: YUNGBLUD is significant because of the impact he has on people’s feelings.
  • Paragraph 3: YUNGBLUD is significant because of the ideas he raises and the way in which he changes people’s way of thinking.

This is a structure we can apply to most ‘significance’ questions. Whatever extract, look at the way the theme in question impacts on how the characters act, feel and think.


Watch the videos below and keep thinking about the significance of YUNGBLUD.

l listened to YUNGBLUD’s ‘mars’ to and from school during the Covid era. The streets, normally filled with students, were empty and there was no ignoring the apocalyptic nature of things!

Listen/watch the two clips below and make a note of any other ways in which you think YUNGBLUD and his music are significant.

The chorus to ‘mars’:


And the story behind it:

What do you think?

YUNGBLUD is significant because…

  • he impacts on the way people act; he acts as a catalyst for people acting in a certain way – he has a significant impact on what they actually do.
  • he impacts on people’s feelings.
  • he is significant because of the ideas he raises and the way in which he changes people’s way of thinking.


Continue exploring the significance of YUNGBLUD.

I also enjoyed watching the interview linked below. What does YUNGBLUD underline the significance of? Does he have the same idea about what’s significant as the people who criticise him?


What do you think?

You might have found evidence that YUNGBLUD is significant because…

  • he impacts on the way people act; he acts as a catalyst for people acting in a certain way – he has a significant impact on what they actually do.
  • he impacts on people’s feelings.
  • he is significant because of the ideas he raises and the way in which he changes people’s way of thinking.


Explore the significance of YUNGBLUD.

Let’s watch ‘Don’t Feel Like Feeling Sad Today’…

What do you think?

You might want to consider the fact that YUNGBLUD and gang are in the capital city, the heart of the country, during rush hour…

YUNGBLUD is significant because…

  • he impacts on the way people act; he acts as a catalyst for people acting in a certain way – he has a significant impact on what they actually do.
  • he impacts on people’s feelings.
  • he is significant because of the ideas he raises and the way in which he changes people’s way of thinking.


Explore the significance of YUNGBLUD.

Watch YUNGBLUD talking to the crowd in the first few moments of the following clips and note down ideas… (in each case, you can – if you wish – stop watching when the songs start).

What do you think?

You might well have found evidence that YUNGBLUD is significant because…

  • he impacts on the way people act; he acts as a catalyst for people acting in a certain way – he has a significant impact on what they actually do.
  • he impacts on people’s feelings.
  • he is significant because of the ideas he raises and the way in which he changes people’s way of thinking.

Okay, so that’s it! Now, when you’re asked to explore the significance of a character or theme, you’ll know to consider what impact that theme/character is having on the action, feelings and thoughts being presented!

YUNGBLUD is this century’s Shakespeare: read more.